Google Maps plugin v4.1

Double Secret Blog
Google Maps plugin v4.1 image

The Google Maps plugin for Craft CMS has recently been updated to v4.1, bringing with it a few notable changes. A handful of features and some helpful bug fixes have been rolled out, here's a list of what's new...

Three New Subfields

Address fields can now include three more subfields... Name, County, and Place ID. Like all other subfields, these are optional. They can be enabled, renamed, and rearranged however you wish.

New Marker Clustering Library

After many years of stagnation, Google has given some serious love and attention to their marker clustering library (which Google maintains as a separate piece of software). We've now integrated the newly refactored library into our plugin, in order to provide complete native support for marker clustering.

Additional New JavaScript Functions

In the minor releases leading up to v4.1, we've added several helpful JavaScript functions to more easily manage a fully rendered map...

  • getInfoWindow
  • getMarkerClusterer
  • getKml
  • hideKml
  • showKml
  • openInfoWindow

Along with these JS functions, a handful of new options have been added to functions across JavaScript, Twig, and PHP. It's too much to list here, so check out the changelog for more info!

Feature Parity, Bug Fixes, and More

In addition to the new & improved features listed above, we've patched many bugs and tweaked a few things for performance. Between v4.0 - v4.1, our primary goals were (1) feature parity with Smart Map, and (2) patch any early stability issues, along with (3) add a few new features to test the flexibility of the recent refactor.

We're happy to report that we have achieved these goals... the Google Maps plugin is strong and healthy, and will continue to grow and evolve for many years to come. Thanks for your continued support, and as always, feel free to reach out with any questions or requests! 🙏

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